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Gumption’s Anegada $10k School Fundraiser

Allington “Gumption” Creque has always been an entrepreneur willing to put his community first. Gumption as popular known was endorsed by Sir Branson in 2012 after he went many banks to secure a loan but failed. Richard then stepped up and give him the loan. Gumption has repaid his loan and went ahead doing what he love “make people best day ever”. Gumption wear many hats, on this occasion he’s a professional windsurfer who’s looking to have fun while making a difference for the school of Anegada. Gumption is going to windsurf from Virgin Gorda across the Caribbean Sea to Anegada with his hopes or raising 10k for the school of Anegada. Gumption’s last time sailing over to Anegada was in 2012 and he’s stated on December 20th will be last time as he’s about to venture into kiteboarding.


The event as well will be live on Facebook every 15mins and he’s hoping you’ll join it to capture the action live. Gumption’s believe it’s his job as an Entrepreneur and Philanthropist to find fun ways to help his community while having fun. Even though I’m a high school dropout student, it doesn’t mean I can do my part to make sure the teachers & students of the school have the tools needed to begin the 2019 school year. Gumption also believe with your support he will get over 10k.


Please support Gumption as he cross the Caribbean Sea on a windsurfing board to Anegada that’s 13 miles away from Virgin Gorda.

© 2024 Sea It Clear Tours

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